On-Site Workshops
Quilt Guilds and Shows
Award-Winning Thread Painting Quilting Teacher
Over the past eighteen years, quilting teacher Nancy, an award-winning quilter, has been teaching her award-winning thread painting techniques at quilt guilds and shows all over the world. Nancy's classes are designed to allow each student to progress at their own pace, and her teaching skills include providing effective one-on-one consultation as the need arises. As a thread painting quilt teacher, she earns high praise from her students for the clear presentation of class material while maintaining an enjoyable classroom environment.
Fortunately, Nancy's husband is an engineer well-schooled in technology thus allowing Nancy to be one of the first quilt teachers to use the latest camera technology to give each student a front-row seat during her demonstrations.

Thread Painted Landscapes Woodlands
6 Hours - 20 Students

My thread painted landscapes have been student’s favorites for many years. Using my anyone-can-do-it approach, you will learn how simple thread painting is. A zigzag or straight stitch are the only stitches necessary to create amazing thread painted designs. A printed photograph will be supplied for the workshop to boost your confidence right away. No artistic skill is needed so come join us for a day full of fun.

Countryside Thread Sketching
6 Hours - 20 Students

Many of us have a photograph or a memory of a favorite landscape that we would love to thread sketch but just aren’t sure how to go about it. In this workshop you will learn how simple thread sketching can be just by using only the straight and zigzag stitch. By the end of the workshop you will be confident to transfer what you have learned on a photograph or memory of your own
Embellishing Fabric with Thread Painting
6 Hours - 20 Students
A ready made background to showcase your thread painting

Black and white fabric is prevalent in most quilt shops and is a very creative option to thread paint some amazing designs. Thread painting on commercial fabric is as easy as 1.2.3. In this workshop you will learn how to blend thread to make the finished flower look realistic. With the design printed, it is easy to begin your thread painting adventure. Once you have taken this class, you will never look at black and white fabric the same.

Creating Realistic Thread Painted Designs
6 Hours - 20 Students

Want to give character to your characters? Realistic designs are achieved by incorporating shadows and highlights into a design/ Learn the design parameters required to shade and highlight with thread to create realism. All aspects of each design are demoed via camera and projector so it is almost like having a private lesson with me. A preprinted design easily guides you through each step. So come see how easy the process is and how much fun creating designs in thread can be!

Simple Thread Painting
6 Hours - 20 Students

Never thread painted before? Then this workshop is a great place to start. A straight and zigzag stitch are the little work horses. A preprinted design easily guides you through each step so no stress about how to proceed. The comprehensive video will guide you through each step of the project and is almost like having a private lesson with me. So why not spend a few hours and learn a new technique to add to your quilting arsenal.
Thread Painting and Thread Sketching Combined
6 Hours - 20 Students

This workshop will introduce you to both thread painting and thread sketching. A pre-printed design easily guides you through each step to assure your success right from the start. You will be amazed how a straight and zigzag stitch creates magic right before your eyes.
All aspects of each design are demoed via camera and projector so it is almost like having a private lesson with me. So come see how easy the process is and how much fun creating designs in thread can be!
Thread Painting Made Simple - Country Threads
3 Hours - 20 Students

A simple design, a few spools of thread and a willingness to learn are all that is required to be successful in this workshop. This workshop is a great way to ease into thread painting and learn the basics – a good refresher if you have already taken a workshop from me. It’s fun and addictive. So come and have some fun.
Thread Painted Landscapes - Summer
6 Hours - 20 Students
My Most Popular Thread Painting Workshop

My most popular workshop introduces the two thread painting techniques I use. Using my anyone-can-do-it approach, you will learn how simple thread painting is. A zigzag or straight stitch are the only stitches necessary to create amazing thread painted designs. No artistic skill is needed so come join us for a day full of fun. Simple designs have been selected to boost your confidence right away.
Thread Painted Landscapes - Spring
6 Hours - 20 Students
A new Version of My Most Popular Thread Painting Workshop

This workshop introduces you to a simple way of mastering the straight and zigzag stitch to thread paint simple designs. The process might seem complicated, but my step-by-step approach will assure you success right from the start.
All aspects of each design are demoed via camera and projector so it is almost like having a private lesson with me. A preprinted design easily guides you through each step. So come see how easy the process is and how much fun creating designs in thread can be!
Thread Sketching to Enhance a Photograph
6 Hours - 20 Students
Learn to embellish your own photographs

Many of us have a photograph we would like to print on fabric and enhance the design with thread but just aren’t sure how to go about it. We will discuss the importance of value in thread selection so the thread augments the fabric and does not blend into the fabric. By the end of the workshop you will be confident to transfer what you have learned to a photograph of your own. Printing on fabric will also be discussed to enable you to decide on how and where to have your fabric printed.
Thread Painting - It's As Easy as 1, 2, 3...
6 Hours - 20 Students

Have you wanted to incorporate realism into your quilting with a little thread work but just aren’t sure where to start? Then come share a day with me and thread paint this small country vignette. Correct thread selection is paramount to creating the realism you want and just as important is learning how to manipulate the hoop to create a wide range of designs. You will learn just how simple thread painting can be if taken a step at a time. So come join me for a day of fun and creativity!!
Shading and Blending with Thread
6 Hours - 20 Students

Want to have some fun with thread and create realism into your thread work? This workshop will introduce you to a simple way of blending, shading and highlighting with thread. The process might seem complicated, but my step-by-step approach will show you how choosing the right thread colors and the color-coded design makes thread painting the design a snap. It’s easy and way too much fun!!
Derwent Inktense Pencils - Painting a Simple Apple
3 Hours - 20 Students
Learn to create with Derwent Inktense Pencils

Do you want to try something new and add another skill to your quilting skills? Then this workshop is for you. Creating with Derwent Inktense pencils is as easy as coloring and it is way too much fun!!. I am not kidding!! It is amazing what these pencils can do and you will want to see how simple it is. A pattern of an apple will be supplied and then the coloring begins. Watch as water and a paintbrush transforms the “coloring” into a beautiful, dramatic and colorful work of art.
There is an artist is all of us just waiting to get out!! So come join me for a few hours of total fun!
Derwent Inktense Pencils - Mushrooms on Parade
6 Hours - 20 Students
A cute project using Derwent Inktense Pencils

A bit of mystic surrounds how to use Derwent Inktense pencils. Hopefully after completing this project related workshop your comfort level will soar with these pencils. Creating with these pencils is as easy as coloring. Watch as a paintbrush and my special fabric medium transform the “penciling” into a beautiful, dramatic and colorful work of art. No painting skills are necessary! There is an artist in all of us so join me for a few hours of fun.
Whimsical Flowers
3 or 6 Hours - 20 Students
A thread painting and thread sketching workshop

This is a perfect class for beginners or for those wanting to brush up on their thread work skills. This workshop introduces you to the technique for both thread painting and thread sketching making it easy for you to incorporate theses techniques into your own quilt or landscape design. A pre-printed design acts as a guide to make the technique simple. Creating designs in thread is just too much fun so come learn the process.
On-Site Lectures
So What is Thread Painting All About?
1 Hour

Some twenty plus years ago I picked up a little wooden hoop and a piece of stabilizer and that moment sent me on a totally unexpected yet enjoyable journey into the world of thread painting. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a little thread and stabilizer could produce such fun and creative designs. While thread painting can look complicated, it is actually quite easy. With 20 years of making thread painting quilts and teaching to anyone that will listen there is a story to tell. As an international thread painting quilt teacher, I have taught thousands of students. The lecture will demonstrate my thread painting technique, some fun and humorous stories, and lastly a virtual trunk slide show of quilts from my first thread-painted quilt to my latest competitive quilt.