Thread Sketching Adds an Exciting Element to Your Project

Thread Sketching the Seasons Award Winning Quilter Nancy PrinceThread sketching with a sewing machine is a fun venture and one I can’t wait to share with you. One day, I had some playtime on my machine, and quite accidentally, I sketched a design in the hoop. Now while my accidental sketching was quite simple, I was encouraged to take playing around with thread one step further. So, I drew a small landscape, printed the design onto stabilizer (just like in thread painting), hooped it up with fabric and stabilizer backing and gave it a go. 

I realized very quickly that I was onto something that was not only exciting but also produced immediate results. I know you are saying, “Yes, you got results quickly because you have been thread painting for years”. It just doesn’t matter how much experience you have!! In the workshops I have taught to date, all the students just “get it” right away. Completing a design is much faster in thread sketching than thread painting, which is appealing to some.  This doesn’t include borders, bindings, and a bit of quilting, but still thread sketching is a quick and straightforward process. And only a straight stitch is required, although from time to time we might let the zigzag make a cameo appearance.

Thread Sketching Award Winning Quilter Nancy PrinceBy definition, a sketch gives the essentials without all the details – in other words, an idea of the design. The thread follows the outline of the design and the major interior lines, thus creating a sketch of the landscape. 

For the best results use a solid, neutral background fabric. The neutrality of the background fabric also helps to define the negative space within the interior of the design. So, what is negative space? Negative space is the space between objects or parts of an object – in other words, the space not filled in. Or embellish a piece of beautiful commercial fabric for immediate results. 

Take a look around the thread sketched vignettes on this page. These too were quick and easy to make.

Thread Sketching Award Winning Quilter Nancy PrinceHopefully, you will be as intrigued as I was and give thread sketching a try. I know you will be addicted!! Click on Workshops to find all available in class thread sketching workshops or click on Online Video Workshops to find all available online thread sketching workshops.

Learn Nancy's Award-Winning Thread Sketching Techniques

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